EU Whistleblowing Act

As of 17.12.2023, the new EU Whistleblower Protection Act is in force. All employees of Sopra Steria Bulgaria EOOD, subcontractors, and suppliers have the right to report violations or breaches of Bulgarian legislation or acts of the European Union acquired in a work-related context. The areas covered by the whistleblowing procedure include corruption, fraud, financial offenses, breaches of competition law, as well as risks related to the duty of vigilance (human rights and fundamental freedoms, health and safety environment).

Reporting channels are available to any person willing to report a situation that could be considered contrary to the law, Sopra Steria Bulgaria’s Code of Ethics or the Code of Conduct for prevention of corruption or that could damage it-economics Bulgaria’s reputation or present a threat to the general interest.

Whistleblowing can be done through the following channels:

Phone: +359 2 408 7664
Address: NV Tower, 12 Floor, 59 “G.M. Dimitrov” Blvd. ,1756 Sofia, Bulgaria, HR Department
At the whistleblower’s request, a face-to-face meeting may also occur at a time convenient to the parties.
A Whistleblower registration form can be found here.
Anonymous alerts are not accepted for review as well as such that relate to violations that occurred more than two years from the time of submission.

Any processing of personal data carried out in connection with Whistleblowing is protected by the Data Privacy Policy of Sopra Steria Bulgaria EOOD.