Sopra Steria Bulgaria as part of the “Let’s clean Bulgaria together” initiative

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At Sopra Steria Bularia, we believe in the power of teamwork not only within our office but also in contributing to the well-being of the community that surrounds us.

That is why, on the 16th of September – “The world clean-up day”, we joined the largest voluntary initiative in the country – “Let’s clean Bulgaria together”, organized by bTV Media Group and their social brand Dobriat Primer.

About the initiative:

“Let’s clean Bulgaria together” was held for the 11th year and its purpose is to unite institutions, non-governmental and business organizations, and volunteers in the name of the cause of a cleaner and greener Bulgaria. An important fact is that the campaign places Bulgaria takes among top of the counties with the best voluntary practices aimed at protecting the environment.

Our Team’s Participation:

On the day of the event the sky above Sofia was gloomy and rainy, but that didn’t stop us to roll up our sleeves and collect litter in “Borisova Gradina” park while enjoying some happy moments together. Armed with gloves, trash bags, and a shared commitment to make a difference, we set out to clean the areas that needed it the most.

Our team consisted of about 30 people – adults and children, the youngest of whom were some adorable 2-year-olds. It was a great opportunity for us to give them an important example of how together we can do something meaningful for the place we live in, while having fun at the same time.




Our participation in this initiative fostered a sense of togetherness and belonging among the team. The camaraderie built in the office translated seamlessly into our collective effort to make our surroundings cleaner. As laughter echoed through the air everyone was eager to contribute to the cause.


It was team bonding in action – a testament to the idea that shared experiences outside the office can significantly enhance collaboration within the workplace. By giving generously of our time for such shared experiences, whether it is volunteering, donating or any other type of social activity we actively contribute to the growth and development of our community.


So, with our participation in “Let’s Clean Up Bulgaria Together” campaign we gave 1 of our days to the planet that gives us a home every day.


In addition, sharing skills and knowledge with each other can encourage those around us to learn and develop, which leads to a happier and more successful working environment.


Аt the end, we were a little tired, slightly muddy, and wet, but satisfied with our contribution to nature and with big smiles on our faces. 😊


What were the results:

This year the campaign set a record compared to previous editions in number of volunteers who took part in and quantity of shipped waste. It was also the largest in scale and territorial scope to date.


Our participation in the cause that day wasn’t just a break from the usual routine; it was a demonstration of what can be achieved when individuals and businesses unite for a common purpose. We are honored to have been part of all this, and we remain committed to ongoing efforts that contribute to the well-being of our community and the preservation of Bulgaria’s natural treasures.


As we reflect on the success of the day, we are reminded that small actions, when multiplied, can create a significant impact. Together, we can continue to build a cleaner, greener, and more sustainable future for Bulgaria.


Once again, big thank you to everyone who lent a hand to nature on that day!


